Debbie's Blog

Bringing Fun and Passion into Relationships

November 9th, 2010

Fun and passion ignites the fire in us and makes our relationships abundantly richer, so how do we get there? In this issue I’ll be giving you a few tips to firing up the fun and passion.

#1 Get active and play! Sometimes relationships aren’t fun because you stop playing. You worry too much about money, bills, jobs, work, etc. and forget to just play together Play or watch a sport together, be competitive in casual games like ping-pong or volley ball. even add a little teasing and funny sarcasm here and there and you’ll really ramp up the fun.

#2 Shake things up! Be unpredictable in a good way. If you normally go to brunch on Sundays, suggest something totally different like bike riding or a picnic. Do something unexpected. Pop in to their work, or starting a food fight at dinner. Mixing things up keeps the relationship fun for both of you.

#3 Tell a joke. Joke telling is a great way to get laughter going and laughter is contagious. Laugh at yourself…laugh at each other, with love of course. We always feel closer to people we can laugh with.

#4 Get touchy feely. It is fun to hug, touch, hold hands, etc. Walk arm and arm or just share a random kiss as you walk by your partner. Many times physical contact inspires fun because it is so comforting.

Get creative with your sense of play and watch the passion in your relationship heat up!